Technical service

Ongoing support and prompt onsite repairs from our expert technicians around the world.

Field Service.

We take a big and long commitment with our customers and offer them efficient, global technical assistance during machine installation and commissioning; including troubleshooting, retrofit installations, and machine upgrades for our durable machines.

We strive to maintain the highest level of support for our customers, and our highly skilled and qualified service engineers have proven experience in servicing SIG machines worldwide, working together with the customer to meet their manufacturing goals. Additionally, the fact we have local service engineers in different countries allow our technical services to be closer to our customers.

SIG can offer specific training programs for customers’ personnel. Also, since periodic training for new operators and maintenance technicians may be required, our engineers will come to your facility and provide the training leveraging on the opportunity to improve the efficiency of the Bossar machine.

SIG can also offer immediate assistance diagnosing through remote ethernet access or analog conventional ways (modem), which enable online parameter visualization and program modifications to optimize working cycles.

Technicians and staff from our agents regularly visit SIG’s factory for training; this way, our personnel and collaborators stay updated on new technologies.

Technical service

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